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Your silk kimono is something that you have bought for a considerable amount of money so you want to be sure that you will be able to properly take care of it. In line with this, it would be nice to make sure that you can follow steps to help you out in making sure that it will be on its tip top shape. Anything silk can easily be cared for as long as you follow these steps.


Hand wash

Do not machine wash your silk because it would ruin its quality. It is important to make sure that you are going to hand wash it. The ideal temperature for washing silk would be about 30C so you need to keep this in mind. There are a lot of things that you need to consider when it comes to washing your kimono and this is definitely something that you need to take note of.


No heat

Heat is going to ruin the quality of the fabric so it would be good if you can make sure not to ruin it by trying to iron it or apply heat to it. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider but this is definitely a priority that you need to remember.


Mild cleaning agents

You should also consider using mild detergent and other cleaning agents for your silk so that it would not be ruined. It would be great to make sure that they are going to be as mild as possible so that it would not affect your fabric.


No bleaching

Bleaching can be very much big damage to your silk kimono so it would be great if you can make sure that you are going to avoid using it as much as possible. You need to make sure that you will be able to keep away from that.


No tumbling dry

Let your silk get dry with the air and not through tumbling it dry. Never try to tumble dry your silk and if possible try not to put it in direct sunlight. It is necessary that you make sure that you properly take care of it and this is one thing that you need to keep in mind. If you are curious to know more about silk kimono, than you should go with that will helps you.


Cold iron

If it is necessary that you must iron your silk, it is necessary that you use cold iron. Try to heat it in the lowest possible setting or if it has a silk setting then that would be great. Try to be really careful when you are ironing it so that you would not stretch it unnecessarily. It is good if you can be sure that you are going to try your best to make sure that it will be in its safest form.