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Sexual fantasies are prevalent and normal. You are not the first to fantasize about sex with strangers and won’t be the last.

A recent study called the Loveology Sexual Compatibility Survey, which gathered data from over one thousand participants, found that popular fantasies include sexual massage, oral sex, threesomes, outdoor sex, sex with a stranger, domination/submissive play, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and sex tapes. In a word, about a million different fantasies exist, and anything safe and consensual is a-okay to explore. If you’re hoping to bring a fantasy, come to life, but tough to know where to start. Below are some tips you might consider looking.

If you want to dress up…

Humans are creatures of habit, and they can easily fall into routines with sex. So, if you are tired of the monotonous sex life and seek change, you can build different identities for your partners and yourselves.

1.Boss and secretary

More than half of folks have fantasies of having sex with their co-workers in their office. If the scenario has ever popped up in your mind, then play out that fantasy with your partner. Wearing a work outfit, pretending you are at work and letting your partner report an “agenda”, naked.

2.Nurse and patient

Women who want to turn their partners on by wearing a naughty nurse’s outfit can be sexy and get into character by examining their partner’s body from head to toe. Then you can explore various erogenous zones and ask your patient for feedback on what feels better, a nip, a lick, or a caress.

3.Player and cheerleader

If your partner is a big fan of the NBA, prepare a jersey for him and cheerleading costumes for you (or vice versa). When he watches the NBA show, do some erotic cheers for him.

If you want to have sex al fresco

Warning: sex in public is illicit in many states in the US. Therefore, you’d better find some secluded and quiet places for your love fantasies unless you want to be arrested when doing your thing.

4. Beach

Beach is already commonplace for thrill-seeking couples, but if it’s your first try, that is still a lovely place to make out. But you should avoid the crowd if you don’t want to be against the law.

5.Try it on a Boat

If the land is boring to you, why not try the sea? Go to take a romantic cruise sex trip with your partner. You can let your partner give you oral sex on the deck. The biggest challenge, however, you need to try to keep a straight face with limited moans. There’s nothing more romantic than a Sex fantasies in the middle of the ocean.

6.Your little backyard is a good place

Sometimes we are looking too far. Actually, your backyard is an excellent place for semi-open sex. in your little yard, you can see the blue sky, touch the soil, and even hear the horn from the corner of the path and your neighbor’s murmur when they pass by the fence. All these will stimulate your nerve and make you more erotic, but they won’t find out what you’re doing at that moment.

If you are looking for thrill…

What many couples say they crave in their fantasies is “deviant or on the fringe behavior.” So, the next time you’re itching to get caught in the act, try one of these scandalous activities.

7.Have a threesome

It is not wise to have a threesome during the pandemic period, but if it turns you on, you might as well explore this territory. According to a 2015 study, one in seven Americans have had a threesome. What’s more—one in five find them appealing. So, if you have the same thought, you’re not alone. However, make sure it’s something both you and your partner want to do.

8.Sex with a stranger

It is not like you pull someone into your house randomly and have sex with them. That is rape. If you want to have sex with strangers, the first thing you should do is get their permission. Sex with a stranger gives you and your partner the third perspective to realize how you feel and perform during sex. Maybe this can help you capture some detail that you overlooked. This is definitely one of the most exciting Sex fantasies.

9.Participate in group sex

This may bring excitement, and you don’t need to care about moral codes and others’ views since the people you meet at the party are the same as you. But one thing you should keep in mind—is a safety precaution. Use condoms during sex and take contraceptives. Or tell them don not to ejaculate in your vagina.

If you want to take control…

Or dominate your partner, give BDSM a try. Still, it would be best to have an honest conversation with your partner before acting. Make sure the bottom line of you both and how far you’re willing to go.  

10.Slip on a pair of handcuffs

Handcuffs are common restraint tools, and they tend to be quite user-friendly. You can use handcuffs to ensure the submissive is unable to touch themselves, and they’re handy for experimenting with orgasm denial. First, you can start with some comfy and soft Velcro or fuzzy cuffs, but if you want to make things more realistic, try some metal handcuffs.

11.Use a blindfold

Adding sensory deprivation to your sex life is an easy and tantalizing way to build tension. When you can’t see because you’re wearing a blindfold, a whisper in your ear or your partner’s mouth taste may seem more intense — and exciting.

If you are a first-time buyer, starting with comfy silk, or you can use your necktie, they are all good helpers.

The takeaway

Most couples don’t communicate their boundaries openly, so many couples don’t know where they stand on the behaviors and fantasies, they feel comfortable experimenting with. Therefore, before you stock up your Amazon cart with whips and chains, have a conversation with your partner first. Err on the side of over-communicating rather than sharing too little.

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